David Greenberg, Chair of ZiyenCoin and President of Greenberg Capital, fmr Executive Board and Board Member of the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) - oversaw a decade of its largest growth from $800 million to $12 billion

'I'm a 9/11 survivor and I have an Asthmatic cough. I will be out in line somewhere and do a small cough, and everybody looks at me. Everybody in the world, rightfully so, is scared!' David Greenberg, Chair of ZiyenCoin and President of Greenberg Capital, fmr Executive Board and Board Member of the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) - oversaw a decade of its largest growth from $800 million to $12 billion is interviewed by David Cogan founder of Eliances and host of the Eliances Heroes show broadcast on am and fm network channels, internet radio, and online syndication. www.daviddouglasgreenberg.com www.eliances.com 

Check out this episode!


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