
Julia Fitzgerald, Chief Marketing Officer American Lung Association, Author Midsize book

Not all marketing programs fit all size businesses. Julia Fitzgerald, Chief Marketing Officer American Lung Association, Author of her book Midsize designed for medium sized companies, is interviewed by David Cogan host of the Heroes Show and founder of Eliances entrepreneur community.   Check out this episode!

Todd Cochrane, CEO Blubrry Podcasting 150,000 users

Just start. Todd Cochrane, CEO Blubrry Podcasting with 150,000 users in interviewed by David Cogan famous celebrity host The Heroes Show and founder Eliances entrepreneur community.   Check out this episode!

Sherry Anshara, What does it take to really change, shift, and become human, The Quantum Truth

YOU THINK YOU ARE HUMAN but you are not even close to that. Sherry tells how to truly become human. In this episode of The Quantum Truth with Sherry Anshara Check out this episode!

Andy Hahn, 20 Questions to Everything Makes Sense, Fearless Living

Dr Andy Hahn explores 20 Questions to Everything Makes Sense in this episode of Guided Self Healing Fearless Living.  Check out this episode!

Experian Identity Report, What is Identity Theft with Rod Griffin

Experian Identity Report, What is Identity Theft with Rod Griffin, Sr Director of Public Education for Experian. Rod leads Experian's consumer education programs and works with consumer advocates, and financial institutions; helping consumers increase their ability to understand and manage their personal finances and protect themselves from fraud and identity theft. Check out this episode!

Sherry Anshara, Why Duality Is Repetitive, The Quantum Truth

Sherry does it again by exposing religious programs and the educational system. In this episode of The Quantum Truth with Sherry Anshara. Check out this episode!

Daniel Chidiac, Author The Modern Breakup viral book

Never Give Up. Daniel Chidiac did not. He wrote a book and then it went viral. The Modern Breakup was a social media sensation that now is in 13 languages and published by Penguin Random House, and has another book out. Daniel is interviewed by David Cogan, the famous host of the Heroes Show and foounder of Eliances entrepreneur community.   Check out this episode!