
Your Content Needs to Be Better!

Check out the astounding stats of what happens every minute on social to understand why your content always needs to be better and stand out above the noise. I also name the top 7 errors people make on this episode of Social Media on Steroids with Dan Shinder.   Check out this episode!

Charl Riggs, Supporting Strategies, licensed CPA

Your Partner for... Charl Riggs with Supporting Strategies, licensed CPA, helps clients develop process and financial systems for their business, is interviewed by David Cogan founder of Eliances and host of the Eliances Heroes Show. Broadcast on am and fm network channels, internet radio and online syndication.     Check out this episode!

Find Answers To Questions, and 4 Levels of Wisdom, Muscle Testing

How we find answers to what our true intention is, where it crystalized, and best practice for balancing. Learn about the 4 levels of wisdom and accessing our deepest knowing through muscle testing with Dr. Andy Hahn of Guided Self Healing on the Fearless Living podcast.   Check out this episode!

Lorenzo Hickey CEO of Shapeshift World, Serial Entrepreneur

The tools you need to... Lorenzo Hickey CEO of Shapeshift World is interviewed by David Cogan founder of Eliances and host of the Eliances Heroes Show. Broadcast on am and fm network channels, internet radio and online syndication.     Check out this episode!

When To Post: The REAL Answer

Learn the answer to, “When is the best time to post?” for content marketing. It works for all platforms and comes from years of achieving extraordinary results using the strategies I teach. Free Tool! on this episode of Social Media on Steroids with Dan Shinder   Check out this episode!

Steve Payne Consulting Vice Chair Ernst & Young Americas ($37Billion GLOBAL revenue)

Whoever said Don’t Question things? Steve Payne Consulting Vice Chair Ernst & Young Americas ($37Billion GLOBAL revenue) is interviewed by David Cogan founder of Eliances and host of the Eliances Heroes Show. Broadcast on am and fm network channels, internet radio and online syndication.     Check out this episode!

The Big Picture/The Meaning of it All pt. 2

Guided Self Healing Fearless Living: 4 A Creation Myth. Who we are, the particular and the universal, nouns and verbs. We are in relationship to Life, Everything is in relationship to Life. We are Life. Remembering. Self and Other Acceptance.   Check out this episode!